Ghost, shadow, reflection or pattern? What is it?

Ghost, shadow,  reflection or pattern? What is it?


So I have shown this photo to virtually everyone that’s walked through the door and only three people can see what I see. As most people that know me already think I’m bonkers anyway, I thought I would put it on here. Now, I don’t say I believe in ghosts, I actually have no idea of their existence or not but I quite clearly see a figure on the right of the window. I’m not a photographer, so I don’t know what else may have caused it but it’s definitely there. The thing that makes it so funny is that I had just said to my partner “maybe I will catch a ghost?”

The photograph was taken at Harlech Castle in Wales and you may need to look at it on a desktop because it might be too small on a phone. Anyway, I thought it interesting enough to share here and would welcome any comments! What do you think? … Or do you know what it is?

Castle you say?! Tyr Graig Castle, Barmouth.

Castle you say?! Tyr Graig Castle, Barmouth.

After our delightful stay at Abel’s Harp in Shrewsbury, we moved on to Barmouth. It’s so exciting to get that first view of the ocean and smell the salty, sea air, combined with the aroma of traditional fish and chips shops.

We parked up on the promenade greeted by the fabulous Welsh dragon and although breezy, it was quite mild. I think we’re a little obsessed with the weather here in the UK and the reason is simple, it’s because it’s so unpredictable! We almost have to walk around with a bag of varying garment types to cope! Cardigan for when it gets cold, rain coat, umbrella, flip flops, full shoe. I sometimes wonder if we are the only country that can be freezing cold and wet in one moment, to sweltering hot in the next? Bizarre!!

After arriving we realised that neither of us had brought the address of the castle we were staying in … oops lol! We tried to look it up on our “not so smart phones” because we could get no signal, at all, anywhere. I think the lady in the Tourist Centre thought we were joking when we went in and said that we have come to stay in a castle, but had forgotten the name and didn’t know the address! After a description from the picture’s we had seen in the booklet, she knew which one we were talking about. It was actually clearly visible from where we stood ha ha!

I love being able to say that I’ve stayed in a castle and we had the most amazing time. The breakfast was lush and the people were so warm and friendly. We did lots of sightseeing which I will talk about in later blogs. Of course, we did the traditional walk along the beach whilst eating our fish and chips. Wales is a stunning place, and I can not wait to go again. Even if the breeze was so hard, the sand was lashing my face, it was worth every sand coated chip! What a beautiful country Wales is, I really wanted to stay longer.

Weekend of bliss! Starting with Abels Harp, Shrewsbury!

Weekend of bliss! Starting with Abels Harp, Shrewsbury!

“Its no use going back to yesterday, because I was a different person then”

Alice In Wonderland by Lewis Carroll

What a fantastic little place we found ourselves in! We were on our way to stay in Barmouth, which was a gift for our Birthday’s. My partner was looking for a decently priced place to stay over half way through our journey. So he tells me, he’s booked us a lovely little chalet in a place in Shrewsbury, its pretty much half way for us so all good.

When I realised that the “lovely little chalet” was actually a glamping chalet, I nearly cancelled lol! Don’t get me wrong, I’ve had many years enjoyment from camping but those years are done now and I want a sink, shower and toilet at least. Doesn’t have to be five star but I don’t want to be hopping over mice and fearfully treading my steps so not to squish a frog, busy on its way to the local pond for a dip! I am sooo happy that I didn’t cancel. It’s such a delightful place! My first time glamping!


It’s themed around Alice In Wonderland, with a lot of reference to other classic tales too. There are rooms available to book within the Inn itself but my partner hadn’t realised which type he had booked but it turned out to be just fine. We got there towards evening so decided to eat there and the food was delicious and plenty!


We took the short path up to the chalet and were completely bowled over with the breath taking views across the hills and fields. We have such beautiful countryside in the UK, I really do hope building and construction doesn’t continue at the rate its been so far. The chalet itself was actually surprisingly very cosy indeed! There was a double bed, with lights. Tea and coffee making facilities with supplies. Two chairs on the veranda so that you can sit outdoors and soak up those beautiful views. There was also a hot tub, which regrettably, I hadn’t prepared for so didn’t test it out. There’s also animals wandering around that didn’t seem to mind us at all.


Having lived in the city my whole life, I crave for these views and to breath in the country air. This place couldn’t have been more perfect to give me my much needed fix. I would have loved to do some meditation there but I slept so well and so late!

It is also a popular venue for weddings and as you can see from the picture’s above, it makes a lovely setting. It was quite cold and breezy when we arrived but I would have loved to sit out here, definitely next time!

Very quaint and unique dining/bar area. We had our evening meal and breakfast here, there is so much to take in within this room, you just don’t want to leave!

The views from the dining room are stunning, so even if you weren’t staying here, you can still basque in the views whilst stopping by for a drink or a bite to eat.


Lovely surprise waiting for us in our chalet! I needed this time out so much, I have always felt that I was never meant for City living and so far circumstance has kept me there. Here is my next goal though, to move to a place of choice. To be where I feel like I belong, overlooking fields with my feet on grass, watching the animals graze.

“It seems to me we can never give up longing and wishing while we are thoroughly alive. There are certain things we feel to be beautiful and good, and we must hunger after them.”

George Eliot, The Mill On The Floss.

Brief trip to historic Warwick.

Brief trip to historic Warwick.

The sun was setting by the time we managed to find our way into Warwick yesterday evening. It’s such a quaint English town and everytime I visit, I find something new I hadn’t noticed before.

I have a habit of using my imagination to strip away all the modern and replacing it with horse and carts. Placing long victorian dresses on the women passing by with the bustles on the back. Replacing the baseball caps with top hats and the t shirts and jeans with tailored suits from back in the day. England is at its best in these historic places along with our beautiful countryside landscapes.

Of course the architecture is stunning, which helps when trying to picture how it must have been to meander through these walkways. We didn’t venture to the castle but only living thirty minutes away, we will do so soon.

The Globe, an eighteenth century Inn offered the perfect resting place to watch the world go by. Tea for me and an ale for my man … perfect evening.

11 Affirmations That Helped with My first Ever Flight!

11 Affirmations That Helped with My first Ever Flight!

Torrevieja Spain

Fabulous rainbow appeared at my first viewing of the ocean.

I had no idea I could tan so well!!

Spain I love you!

I can not express well enough , just how much it took me to do this. I had been terrified of flying, the thought of even contemplating going to the airport let alone boarding an actual plane had always, without fail, sent me into a panic.

I was lucky to be with such a patient man, who had gently and persistently encouraged me to get my passport. I remember the day it arrived through the post, feeling so excited and extremely nauseous at the same time. Of course, my passport photograph didn’t help with the nausea, what do they do with those things that make you look so dreadful?? Oh my life, I dreaded handing that thing over and part of me was really hoping to get pulled to the side and asked if it was really me on this picture .. ha ha ha!

So my passport had arrived and it was all getting real. My partner had relatives in Spain and it was only a short two hour flight, so we thought this would be ideal. I would get to meet more of his family and not be on the plane for too long.

A few months to go and I was already waking with indescribable fear. There was no way I was going to be hypnotised so I started my list of affirmations which is something I practice now, when I’m faced with things I need to conquer.

Here is my list, I silently said to myself multiple times every morning, night and as often as I could manage throughout the day:

I am a safe traveller.

I am protected whilst travelling.

I am safe travelling in an airplane.

I love travelling.

I am a happy traveller.

I am a confident traveller.

I am safe in all forms of travel.

I am grateful for travel.

I am peaceful and calm during travel.

I am excited to travel to beautiful destinations.

I am eager and ready for travel in all forms.

I have to say as the months went by, the affirmations really began to help. I most definitely felt more and more eager to conquer this silly fear. I had already been to the Docs, (as you do when you’re becoming slightly neurotic) just to be certain that “I was fit to fly”…
The morning of the flight, I was physically unable to speak! I was just mulling over my affirmations and dropping Bachs Flowers Rescue Remedy under my tongue like a desperate junky. I had packed every medication, for every possible scenario I could possibly imagine.
I was ready!! Then the taxi rang to say he was outside and that’s when my legs turned to jelly. I’m surprised he let us in the cab with my stumbled walk, my incessant, incoherent waffling all the way, it would have been easy to assume I was paraletic drunk.
I managed the check in and actually spoke a couple of real words! To my disappointment, she didn’t frown with confusion at my passport picture but never mind.
We went to the restaurant. I had a cup of tea and managed to eat a piece of toast while constantly kwelling that little voice in my head telling me to run back through those doors and jump in the nearest taxi back home!
We checked the flights and our plane was boarding. My stomach felt like there were hundreds of tiny diggers in it trying to escape. I went through the tunnel and we took our seats. We also took a selfie which I won’t post here for worry of frightening any frail readers. I looked petrified, behind a fake, overly unconvincing smile.
Whilst the safety procedures were being read out, I shoved my fingers into my ears and shut my eyes. Too much!
The engine started to roar and so did my tummy. With my fingernails deeply embedded into my partners hand and praying in my head, we were on the move. As the plane began to climb my head pulled back into the seat and my stomach rolled as the plane vibrated and roared into the sky.
Oh my life! I loved it! That feeling of speed and the take off, I was so overwhelmed, I could have sobbed. It was amazing, the whole flight was great. I surprised myself by looking out of the window much of the time and the landing was equally as fabulous as the take off.

The feeling of stepping off that plane and knowing that I was in a different country for the first time was such a huge sense of self accomplishment. I know it’s something that millions of people do for the first time but for me I had never entertained the idea before. It was something that out of fear I vowed never to do.
It has been one of my biggest conquers and I am so happy and proud of myself for doing it. I can say in honesty now that I love flying, I love travelling. It’s one of the most liberating feelings to know that you have conquered such a huge fear.
I can’t imagine denying myself these experiences now, such beautiful countries and places to see. Being in totally new surroundings, with sun shining and no rain, is something I constantly crave and go at least once a year.

We had the most fabulous time. Spain is such a beautiful country and the people were so welcoming. The ocean is stunning and I can’t wait to see more of Spain in the future.

I can honestly say that if i hadn’t been using my affirmations, I wouldn’t have gone beyond the point of having a passport sitting in a draw, gathering dust! I would love to hear if anyone else has conquered the fear of flying and how you did it?

In the beginning …

In the beginning …

A few years ago and approaching the dreaded 50, I decided to make a few changes and start living a life I wanted to live, instead of sitting back and waiting to see what or who crossed my path. I have always kept a journal, mainly because I love writing and also because I have the most dreadful memory.


I have a chaotic mind so I doubt very much I will stay on topic. I enjoy sharing my thoughts and opinions on most things and think its a great way of expression and learning.

I will be sharing some of my journey here and also some of my travels. I actually didn’t have a passport until I was 46 years old, can you believe that?? Everywhere I go now, I feel like I am looking through a child’s eyes and seeing things new for the first time, quite incredible.

This will be as much practice for my writing as it will be for my skills in technology. In fact, I am looking right now for a save button …. has to be here somewhere! Aah update!!